What Kind Of Clothes Did Jesus Probably Wear?

Posted by Reinaldo Massengill on Wednesday, September 11, 2024

On top of the robes, the people of ancient Israel would have worn a wool shawl, a himation, a kind of mantle, that might have been fringed with tassels to serve as a Jewish tallit, according to religion professor Joan Taylor at The Conversation. The Gospel of Mark says a woman touches the tassels of Jesus's himation to be healed by him. Women may have worn himations in brightly dyed colors, but it seems that the standard for men at the time was to wear undyed, unbleached shawls, according to the BBC. Jesus' robes were likely a natural color, and were apparently not white, since Mark tells a story about Jesus' clothes turning white while he prayed on top of a mountain.

One thing that depictions of Jesus do get right is the sandals. According to preserved sandals from that time, found in caves near the Dead Sea (via The Conversation), he likely wore extremely simple leather footwear, similar to today's flip-flops.
